Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Barack Obama to be America's first black president

A centre-left wave has swept across America.

Obama is, thus far, heading into a landslide victory. Consult the sources below to follow the coverage state-by-state.

The Democrats are set to gain control of the US Senate, heading for the magic 60 Senate seats. Nancy Pelosi will become one of the most powerful house speakers in Congress in American political history.

This is an expected backlash after 8 years of failed neo-conservative rule, but how far will Obama go in unlocking the chains that Bush has laid?

Obama has vowed to reform the health system, vowed to be strict on Wall Street behaviour, vowed to tackle climate change.

However, what should we expect on foreign policy? Obama will no doubt return to the multi-lateral stage, consulting European allies on major decisions, and re-invest into the United Nations process.

Obama wants to talk to Russia, instead of chide it. Obama wants to talk to Syria and Iran, instead of waving a stick. Obama wants to invest in Afghanistan's economy, and he wants to commence an exit strategy from Iraq.

But will he be able to fulfil his desires?

Obama vs AIPAC? Or Obama and AIPAC?

It is certain that in order to pursue a moderate foreign policy that mirrors US national interests, Barack Obama will have to do the unthinkable for an American president ... take on AIPAC.

The all-powerful Jewish neo-conservative lobby still lingers in the corridors of Congress, regardless of the Republican hammering. This is a giant that will be tested in the coming four years of Obama rule, where they will be forced to utilise every weapon of power to ensure the left-leaning Obama does not deviate from full support of Israel's apartheid policies.

Sites that I'm currently sourcing are:

BBC live streaming (UK)

Crikey live blogging (Aus)

NYT live mapping
of results (US)

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